Wednesday, June 8, 2011

If you're happy and you know it... Lila's 9 months old

Today was Lila's 9 month check-up.  She is my little giant!  She is the average height of a 15 month old.  I wasn't too shocked because she has been wearing 12 month size clothes for about a month.  Everything else is great as usual, and we got the okay to begin eating table food.   Woohoo!!  As of today, she is officially southern because she ate grits.  The texture threw her off a bit, but she seemed to like them.  She has learned to crawl, pull up, wave bye-bye, use a sippy cup, and CLAP!!  She loves clapping!!  It is so funny to watch her clap along with Super Why? and Dinosaur Train. 

9 month stats:

Height         30.5 in.
Weight        21 lbs

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Off the charts!

At Lila's 6 month check-up, the doctor confirmed what we already knew about her.  She is off the charts!! :)  That is the height chart for 6 month olds.  She is the same height as the average 11 month old!  She was in the 95% for her big ole noggin and 75% for weight. 

6 month stats:
height= 28 1/4 in
weight= 17 lb 14 oz

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

6 months and Rolling


I can't believe it has already been six months.  Time sure does fly when you're having fun.  Lila is so funny.  She smiles ALL the time, and has begun to laugh at everything.  She is eating well and sleeping all night long.  She makes us so happy! 

Lila rolled from tummy to back around 3 months, but today she rolled from her back to her tummy.  THEN she rolled from tummy to back to tummy to back.  Oh Lordy, we are mobile!  YAY Lila!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Baby at 5 months

Lila is such a happy baby!  She is smiling when she wakes up and when I put her to bed.  She smiles with her whole face.  My favorite smile of the day is the one I get from her when I see after work.  The smiles turn to laughter a lot of the time.  She started a couple weeks ago with the belly laughing.  I absolutely love the sound of her little voice laughing with joy.  It always makes me laugh, then she laughs more because I am laughing.  Some of the things that make her giggle are playing airplane, taking her socks off, dancing, and bouncing up and down.  I can't wait for the next stage!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Visit with The Catons

Last night we got to visit with the Caton family!  We usually get to see them once a year around the 4th of July.  They came to Mobile for an emergency family visit, so we drove over to see them.  The last time we visited, Adriene and I were both pregnant, so we got to introduce the new babies to each other.  Their older 2 children had grown so much.  We hated the circumstances that brought us together, but sure did love getting to visit with them.  Great times, great friends!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Welcome to the world baby girl!

    Yes!  Chip and I did have our first child, Lila Erin, on September 1st, but in this case I am referring to myself.  I am welcoming myself into the world of blogging!   Hopefully it will be a pleasant experience.  I have been urged by my husband and mother to start one, so I finally broke down and signed up!